Chapter 3: The Task Force Annihilates Arthur Andersen
AIM. “AIM Report: Was Cliff Baxter Out of His Mind.” July 25, 2002. Last accessed December 19, 2013.
Brown, Ken. “Called to Account: Indictment of Andersen in Shredding Case Puts Its Future in Question.” Wall Street Journal, March 15, 2002.
Office of the Medical Examiner of Harris County, Texas. Autopsy Report of John C. Baxter, January 25, 2002.
S.E.C. v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., Daniel H. Bayly,, Civil Action No. H-03-0946 (S.D. Tex. February 12, 2003).
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Federal Circuit Judicial Workload Statistics, 2011-2013. Last accessed December 19, 2013.
United States v. Arthur Andersen, Dockets [including all publicly available filings, transcripts, orders, opinions, etc.] in S.D. Tex., Fifth Circuit, and Supreme Court.
United States v. James A. Brown, Dockets [including all filings, transcripts, orders, opinions, etc.] in S.D. Tex., Fifth Circuit, and Supreme Court.
Weil, Jonathan, and Alexi Barrionuevo. “Arthur Andersen Is Convicted on Obstruction-of-Justice Count.” Wall Street Journal, June 16, 2002.